William Penn Families,

William Penn is planning a possible hybrid option, which is a combination of both in-person and remote learning, for students in the second semester. We will still allow students who wish to remain remote for the remainder of the school year to do so.  While we are aware that the Governor has recently recommended pausing in-person learning through January 8, we are planning for a hybrid learning option to begin at the start of the 2nd Semester, February 1, 2021.

A survey went out to William Penn families regarding the option of choosing hybrid or remote instruction for students for the second semester.  It is very important that families take some time to select their preferences as the information we receive will determine our planning for student and teacher schedules, cohort groups and transportation for those students who choose the hybrid option for the 2nd Semester.


 If you have not received this survey please email one of the following staff members below. They will then use the same email address to send you a copy of the survey to complete.


Dena.Broadnax@colonial.k12.de.us                           Kristene.Prouty@colonial.k12.de.us

Yolanda.Grange@colonial.k12.de.us                          Merlyn.Burns@colonial.k12.de.us

Gloria.Rosado@colonial.k12.de.us                            Noemi.Torres@colonial.k12.de.us

Claudia.Collins@colonial.k12.de.us                           Samantha.Dwyer@colonial.k12.de.us


If you do not have an email address you may call the school at 302-323-2800 and the survey can be completed over the phone. 


Thank you in advance for your input!