Who We Are – Steve Duman
Alumni helping it all come together.
Steve Duman
Steve Duman, a William Penn grad, started working at his alma mater as a substitute cafeteria worker in 2012. Since then, and especially during Delaware’s State of Emergency, Steve has shown his deep dedication to the district’s Nutrition Services Division. “During these tough times it has been a challenge, but WE can come together,” Duman says. After working through the ranks over the years, Duman was promoted to be the 2nd Cook at William Penn, a position he takes seriously. “I pride myself on giving 100% for the program….I enjoy feeding the kids during the school year and for the Summer Feeding Program” says Duman. He is fondly called Mr. Steve by students, and he says they can count on him to “make it happen.” Nutrition Services Supervisor, Paula Angelucci concurs saying, “Steve is always there when needed, always willing to pitch in to lend a hand no matter the job would be!” she says. Colonial Nation thanks Steve Duman for showing Who WE Are!
Steve is #WhoWEAre.
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