Facility Renovation Review Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to gather input and feedback on the design phases for major capital improvement projects to renovate facilities and grounds throughout the district. The Committee will be provided Design Meeting Minutes, Architectural Design Drawings and/or other materials relevant to the feedback being sought.

The Committee will consist of at least 5 committee members as appointed by the Superintendent’s Office.

The Committee shall include:

  •  Colonial Director of Operations
  • Colonial Supervisor of Facilities
  • At least one (1) Colonial School Board Member
  • Up to two (2) educators from the District
  • Up to two (2) parents or community members (who are not District employees or School Board members)
  • *Other Colonial Staff as needed
    *As projects for specific buildings are being planned and developed, other staff from that particular building may be invited to be a part of the review committee

Committee members will be selected and plan to convene no later than November 2024.

The committee should plan to meet via Zoom and/or In-person every other month the week before the regularly scheduled School Board Meeting.


Individuals interested in being a part of the Major Capital Review Committee can submit an interest form here:
