Student Accident Insurance
Accidents can happen anywhere and school is no exception. When they occur, accidents can result in large medical bills and even the best health insurance doesn’t always cover all of these expenses.
The Colonial School District takes every step possible to ensure that we are providing the safest environment for our students however, our insurance policy does not cover every student accident. In order to help our families avoid unexpected expenses and prevent financial hardship, the district is making available an affordable group Student Accident Insurance Plan administered by Allen J. Flood Companies, Inc. If you wish to participate in the program, the brochure and application can be downloaded, in English and Spanish versions, below or you can obtain a copy from the school secretary.
The coverage will be effective the first day of school if Allen J. Flood Companies, Inc. receives the signed application and payment before the seventh school day. Applications and payments received after that date would be effective on the date received by Allen J. Flood Companies, Inc.
The insurance program is entirely voluntary on your part. PLEASE NOTE THE LIMITS OF COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS, SINCE NOT ALL ACCIDENTS ARE COVERED AND THE INSURANCE MAY NOT COVER THE CHARGES IN FULL. This insurance pays covered expenses on a primary basis, which means that it pays regardless of any other family health insurance. You are the sole judge as to the advisability of participating in the insurance program.
The Board of Education in no way accepts responsibility for the program. It simply acts as an intermediary to provide a group student accident insurance plan for your consideration. Please retain this letter for future reference, if you purchase the insurance.