Who WE ARE – Frank Hughes

Frank Hughes doesn’t consider himself to be one who tinkers with things, but teachers at Leach have good reason to disagree. Since joining the school for children with severe to moderate physical and cognitive disabilities four years ago, Hughes has designed and created more than 40 adaptive devices using materials like PVC pipes used for plumbing, and more.

“I use whatever materials I find throughout the school that fit the ideas I have in mind for the design. I take apart old wheelchairs, old gait trainers, standers, and anything else I have at my disposal,” Hughes says.

This adapted physical education teacher is so dedicated to creating devices to help students he comes to work an hour early and uses other free time to complete construction.

“I love it when I create something that truly fits a student’s ability and allows that student to demonstrate the best of their physical ability. My excitement grows to another level when a student masters the device that was initially built for their present ability level but they now need a new device to challenge them!”

Hughes has no special names for his special devices, saying he refers to them by the sport they are designed for and the ability levels they fit. Some of his creations include switch activated baseball bats and golf clubs.

Teachers and staff at Leach love to see the students excel using equipment Hughes has created, but he equally appreciates his co-workers saying, “Leach is Colonial Nation, and day after day the Power of WE is seen in each and every classroom. We work together…my motivation to build and adapt comes from seeing the learning, the activities, and the experiences that are occurring in each classroom every day at Leach!”

Frank is #WhoWEAre.