Who WE Are – Chris Piecuch
Chris Piecuch is the one of the newest member of the Colonial School Board of Education but is no stranger to the Board. As a former member of Colonial’s Financial Oversight Committee (CFOC), he often reported to the Board that the CFOC examined and approved the District’s financial expenditures. “After spending five years of learning how complex and important the finances of a school district are, I felt that having someone with that background on the Board would be beneficial,” Piecuch said. Piecuch spent most of his childhood attending Colonial schools and moved back to the District in the development called Coventry after college. He is the owner of PQ Landscaping that is based in New Castle. “I care about this community and want to raise my family here. My children will be members of Colonial Nation!” he said. Students will be his top priority, Piecuch saying, “If I keep that as my guide, I believe the decisions I make will always point the District in the right direction. A well-run district isn’t achieved without the help of hard-working staff, parents, students and community members. I want them all to know that I am always available to hear from them and help their voices be heard.” Piecuch and his wife Angel welcomed their first child in August 2020.
Chris is #WhoWEAre.
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