Who WE Are – Cammi DeHoyas
Cammi DeHoyas as been on the frontlines for the Colonial School District (CSD) by driving a bus that delivered free meals to students beginning in March when Delaware’s State of Emergency was declared, and she continues to do the same now for the Summer Feeding Program. A driver with 30-years under her belt, DeHoyas is deeply devoted to (CSD), saying she’s seen generations of children as passengers. Her adult children attended CSD schools and so do five of her 11 grandchildren. DeHoyas took special delight in driving for the Grab and Go program when school buildings were closed. “Some of the kids were kids on my bus, so to see them out there with their parents getting stuff and to see the smiles on their faces…they lit up, and oh my God it felt so good!” she said. DeHoyas also felt good about spearheading a video for William Penn seniors that included endearing messages from all of the drivers. “It felt nice to do that for them. I know they went without a lot and I wanted it to come from transportation-from all of us. DeHoyas made posters for the video and even giant graduation caps that were placed on top of the buses. She says working side-by-side with staff from Nutrition Services reminded her what Colonial’s Power of WE really means, “We’re all in this together, we’re a family. I love the district…I just love it!”
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