Title 1 old
What is Title 1?
Title I programs are federally funded instruction that is in addition to core reading and math classes for students who are struggling to meet the state standards. The federal government gives funds to Delaware through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to divide among school districts based on their percentage of low-income families and participating schools. Colonial uses its Title I funds for at-risk students to operate supplemental programs in reading and math. These programs are in compliance with Response to Intervention (RTI), another federal mandate.
Schoolwide Title 1 Programs
All of Colonial’s schools exceed 40% poverty, so all they all operate Schoolwide Title I programs during the 2014-2015 school year, except Leach. Funds are used at each participating school to improve core instruction and provide supplemental reading instruction.
The ultimate goal of Schoolwide programs is the success of all students through effective instruction while offering additional remediation to eligible, struggling students. All students are considered for the extra help, with a major emphasis being placed on good core instruction, not just pullout or push-in support.
Parent Involvement is a Key Element
Research shows that a child with a supportive family has a better chance of succeeding in school. Parents, guardians, and caregivers who attend Literacy Nights, go online to review grades, and communicate with teachers about homework demonstrate that education is valued in their homes. Colonial schools offer families six types of activities to increase parent involvement, using the Epstein model for participation, which include:
- Parenting classes
- Communication between home and school
- Volunteering
- Helping children learn at home with assistance
- Decision-making
- Collaborating with community resources and agencies.
For the security of the students and staff, all parent volunteers who work routinely in a school must submit the results of finger printing and a State Police background check.
Additional information about Parent Involvement can be found on national websites for the Parent Information Center of Delaware, SEDL, and PTA.
Your child’s school website has appropriate math and reading links for additional practice in content areas at home. Please click the District Schools tab above to navigate to your child’s school website.
Parents Right to Know
Parents receive notification letters when their children receive Title I services and are taught by a non-highly certified teacher for four or more weeks consecutively. We encourage parent to participate in the educational process and communicate frequently with teachers to helps develop strong home-school relationships with core and Title I teachers.
Parents, guardians and caregivers have the right to learn about the credentials of teacher(s). Parents with computers can access the DEEDSlink on the Delaware Department of Education (DOE) website by clicking on this link and using the Community Access boxes on the left side of the page. Directions to get to DEEDS are posted on school websites, printed in each elementary school’s Parent Handbook and are listed in school newsletters at the beginning of the school year. Parents without computers can contact the building principal or Supervisor of Human Resources at the administration building to ask them to share this information with you.
Schools will notify parents and guardians in writing when their child has been instructed by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more weeks.
Title I law requires a district to reserve 1% of its federal funds for parent involvement activities. These funds are spent in a variety of ways, with your input. Every title I school I given an allocation to increase its capacity of parent and family participation.
Parent Involvement Policy and Complaint Process
District and school parent involvement policies are parent-friendly documents with a shared vision for student success through collaboration, engaging activities, and evaluation of goals. These documents can be found in each elementary Parent Handbook and school websites. The district versions can be viewed by clicking on this link to the 2016-2017 District Guidelines for Parent Involvement—English version
School-parent compacts are required by law in elementary and secondary schools to reinforce everyone’s responsibilities for student achievement-teachers, students, and parents/guardians. These can be found on school websites and in the Parent Handbook. Compacts at secondary Title I schools are not required.
Our schools hold multiple family and curriculum nights to discuss Title I, curriculum and the home-school connection. Flyers are sent home, website announcements are posted on school and district sites, and newsletter articles are published to keep you updated about district and school parent meetings this year.
Complaint Process
Please click here for a document explaining the procedure to report any violations of Title I regulations in the Colonial School District.
How Can Your Voice Be Heard?
Parent suggestions are welcomed at the school, district and state levels because programs should reflect your child and family’s needs. You are a stakeholder in the educational process and should be hear to collaborate win program development and foster mutual understanding. At all three levels the goals are increasing student achievement and parent involvement.
- At the school level, you can participate in Title I Nights, curriculum nights, and become a member of the School Achievement Team to learn about the programs and practices that are in place.
- At the district level you can join other Title I school representatives on the Colonial Parent Advisory Council (PAC) which meets two times a year. This committee is charged with increasing the district’s capacity to raise parent involvement in Title I schools and brainstorm district-level activities to support this goal.
- At the state level, the Delaware State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) welcomes district representatives to promote collaborative efforts between school districts and communities.
Notify your school principal if you would like to join the Title I activities at the building level. Contact Dr. Nicholas Baker, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction at 302-323-2727 if you want more information about the Colonial PAC or State PAC meetings.
Important School Accountability/Testing Information
Click here to access the DOE homepage to view DCAS test results for each of Colonial’s schools. The site shows general information; you will not see performance scores for any individual child.
Click here to access the School Profiles for each of Colonial’s schools. It contains information about the schools staff, student demographics, academic programs, and much more.
Title I District Parent Advisory Council
Parent Involvement is important for student achievement and the success of Title I programs. All parents are invited to attend the Title I Parent Advisory Council meetings. There are two meetings a year. Reminders are listed on the district calendar and in the school newsletters. Dates and times rotate to accommodate all parents. At the PAC meeting, parents are given the opportunity to:
- Determine Title I program goals
- Plan, implement and evaluate Tile I programs
- Revise the Parent Involvement Policy and Compact
- Attend Parent Involvement conferences and build capacity
- Support parent leaders who share information with and obtain ideas from other families
- Develop student awareness that families views are represented in school decisions
- 2017 January Home & School
- 2017 January Middle Years
- 2017 February Home & School newsletters
- 2017 February Middle Years newsletters
- 2017 March Middle Years newsletters
- 2017 March Home and School Newsletters
- 2017 April Middle Years Title I
- 2017 May Middle Years Title I
- 2017 May Home & School Title I
- 2017 October Home and School newsletters
- 2017 November Middle Years Newsletters
- 2017 November Home and School newsletters
- 2017 December Middle Years Newsletters
- 2017 December Home and School newsletters
- 2018 January Middle Years Newsletters
- 2018 January Home and School newsletters
- 2018 February Middle Years Newsletters
- 2018 February Home and School newsletters