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Enrollment and Registration

We are excited that you have chosen the Colonial School District for your child’s educational experience.

The Colonial School District has a long standing tradition of serving the community, providing students with the knowledge and skills for success beyond formal schooling as well as instilling the positive characteristics and traits of productive citizens.

The enrollment process in our schools is designed to ensure your child’s appropriate placement and smooth transition from your previous school district. Starting in a new school district can be an exciting time for students; at the same time, the enrollment process can be frustrating and overwhelming. Our enrollment process is designed to minimize this frustration and reduce the anxiety of learning about a new school. 

Step 1: Find your Child’s Feeder School

A student’s feeder school is the school that the district assigns the student to attend.
Use the online School Locator Search
 to locate your feeder school district and local elementary school.
Even if you decide to participate in the School Choice process later, you will need to register with your feeder pattern elementary school first.

Step 2: Fill out the registration form and documents

Fill out the student registration card form completely and email this form along with a picture or scanned copies of following supporting documents to feeder your feeder school’s secretary:

  • Your valid Delaware Driver’s License or Delaware ID Card
  • Official Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Residence
  • Current electric, water or sewer bill
  • Signed rental lease, deed or settlement agreement
  • Immunization Records


Step 3: Email the completed registration form and supporting documents to your school’s secretary

Email the registration pdf along with the picture or scanned copies of the necessary supporting documents to your feeder school’s secretary:

Wilbur: Jeanne.Keister@colonial.k12.de.us