Amina Baaith has been promoted to be the new Principal of Pleasantville Elementary School.
She was formerly an Assistant Principal at McCullough Middle School and the Wallin School. Baaith succeeds Jennifer Alexander who is now Colonial’s Director of Talent Development.
Baaith considers her new role as one of service saying “my ultimate objective is to create the conditions for teachers that allow them to provide a rich and inclusive learning environment for their children. I’d like for families to know that working in schools gives my life meaning and purpose, and I have built my professional life around using my experiences as a teacher and an administrator to cultivate a love of teaching and learning in any building I work.”
Baaith credits Colonial for shaping her educational leadership and applauds the district for being “unafraid of innovation and all of the challenges that come with change.” Baaith taught English for eight years before moving into administrative roles. She has a Bachelor’s degree in English from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, a Master’s in Writing from the University of Rochester, and a Master’s in Educational Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania.
She looks forward to forming relationships with students and families at Pleasantville and says “the Colonial School District is an atypical school district I am proud to represent!”