Eugene Petty, a resident of Buttonwood, became the first African American Police Chief for the city of New Castle in 1975. In 1963 Petty began his career with the city as a part-time officer with the New Castle City Police (NCCPD), becoming a full-time officer in 1964. Chief Petty quickly rose through the ranks of the police department, where he was ultimately promoted to Chief of Police by a unanimous vote in 1975. During his NCCPD tenure of 25 years, Chief Petty worked a variety of assignments from administration to field. Most notable was the experience he gained in community policing, employee relations, and working directly with FBI Director George T. Quinn from the Baltimore Office. As a field commanding officer, then-Chief Petty had the opportunity to lead a committed workforce in reducing overall crimes and improving the quality of life in the neighborhoods of New Castle City. Petty retired from the police force in 1975. #BlackHistoryMonth2021 #EquityCSD #powerofwecsd