Hunger never takes a vacation break, even though students in the Colonial School District do, but children won’t go without thanks to the federally funded Summer Food Service Program operated locally by the district’s Nutrition Services Division.
“We understand there is a need in our community and look forward to providing nutritious meals to families who struggle to make ends meet over the summer,” said Nutrition Services Supervisor Paula Angelucci.
Angelucci says the program is extended this year to include seven new sites in the district so more children will have access to healthy meals. Colonial’s Care-A-Vans will deliver meals to the following sites:
Lunches must be eaten on location.
June 19 – August 3 – Monday thru Thursday
*Coventry ParkVicinity of 10 W. Edinburgh, New Castle
Lunch: 12:15- 12:35p.m.
*Pine Valley Apartments 500 S. Dupont Hwy, New Castle Lunch: 12-12:20p.m
*Galloway Court Apartments400 S. Dupont Hwy, New Castle
Lunch: 12:30 – 12:50p.m.
*Dobbinsville Park—Vicinity of 707 Clymer St, New Castle Lunch: 11:30-11:50a.m.
In addition, Colonial will be collaborating with the community partners to provide meals at the following sites throughout our district this summer.
June 19 – August 3*William Penn Village Apartments
Pool Side 595 Tulip Lane Lunch: 12-12:30p.m. Open: Monday—Thursday |
June 19 – August 18Garfield Park PAL
26 Karlyn Drive Lunch: 1:00-3:00p.m. Snack: 4:00-5:00p.m. Open: Monday—Friday
June 9 – August 9Delaware City Library—250 5th St, Delaware City
Lunch: 12:30-2:00p.m. Open: Monday and Wednesday |
June 9 – August 11New Castle Library—424 Delaware St.
Lunch: 12:00-12:30p.m. Open: Tuesday and Friday
June 19 – August 17 |
Junr 9 – August 3Howard Weston Senior Center
1 Bassett Ave, New Castle Lunch: 12:30-1:00p.m. Open: Monday—Thursday
When Worlds Collide-Summer Camp187 Penn Mart Shopping Center
Breakfast: 8:00-8:30a.m. Lunch: 12:00-1:00p.m. Open: Monday—Thursday
June 19 – August 17 |
June 19 – August 17Miracles, Arts and Activities Center
717 Pulaski Hwy Lunch: 11:30a.m.-12:30p.m. Open: Monday—Thursday |
Edinburgh Villas—42 Mactavish CourtLunch: 12:00-12:45p.m.
Open: Monday—Thursday
In addition to delivering meals throughout the district, meals will be provided on a first come, first served basis at the following locations and times:
June 19 to Aug. 3
McCullough Middle School – 20 Chase Avenue, Garfield Park, New Castle
Breakfast: 9:00am-9:30a.m. Lunch: 11:30am-12:30p.m.
Eisenberg Elementary School—27 Landers Lane, New Castle
Breakfast: 9:00-9:30a.m. Lunch: 12:00-12:30 p.m.
July 10-Aug. 3 June 19-Aug. 3
Meals are provided free to all children under the age of 18 Monday through Thursday, a minimal fee is charged to adults at the school sites.
“This year we (Nutrition Services Department) will have a heavy focus on incorporating local foods into our meals because we know that local foods tend to be more flavorful and have higher nutritional value than those coming from a farther distance. We feel that children will be more inclined to try new foods, get the proper nutrition they need to learn, while growing and developing into successful young adults,” said Scott Schuster, Nutrition Outreach Specialist.
Meals will not be served on the July 4th holiday.