we are sharing information about the value of “staying in the present.” As you go about your daily tasks, we hope that you find that you can bring some stillness in your life.
Stay in the Present
Across the world, we are experiencing uncertainty. When faced with uncertainty, our brains are designed to protect us from danger by increasing our attention to risk and threat. However, this worry can spiral, as we seek certainty where it does not exist. When you find yourself overwhelmed by strong emotions, try to refocus your attention on what’s going on in and around you in the current moment. Notice and attend to where you are and what you are feeling, without judgment.
How can I stay in the moment when I’m having so many thoughts about the future?
• Emotions are like waves. They come on, peak, and slowly roll out. Practice riding the waves of emotion and learning to tolerate them instead of fighting them or letting them overwhelm (or drown) you.
• Notice and name your feelings, and remind yourself that each feeling is temporary, even if the circumstances remain unchanged. Focus on accepting your feelings and your strength to tolerate them.
• Do not try to plan for the next week or month or indefinite future; take on one moment at a time.
• When all else fails, simply focus on your five senses to ground you in the present. Listen carefully for very subtle sounds, look for all the colors in the rainbow, notice how your feet or fingertips feel, attend to a subtle taste in your mouth or scent you can find.
The links below include some resources that you may find helpful if you would like to learn more about mindfulness in a simple, accessible (and hopefully fun) way.
To practice a guided five-senses meditation (Note that this Youtube video will probably start with a commercial, which you can choose to skip):
Engaging Your Senses Meditation (Relieve Stress)
More resources for using mindfulness to stay present (This link includes a video by Jon Kabat Zinn, who is a pretty popular writer who I find to be very down to earth):
Getting started with mindfulness and mindful meditation
Power Up! a set of audio tracks to guide you through various mindfulness practices (I found these audio tracks to be pretty cool and the narrator has a great accent, that I think is Australian.)
Colonial School Counselors and School Nurses Are Available
Your child’s School Counselor and School Nurse are available to address your questions and support your child. Open the link below to view their contact information.