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Good evening Colonial Nation,

As you know, in-person instruction is currently “paused” as recommended by Governor Carney.  Additionally, all of the current school reopening criteria are in the red, which indicates significant community spread of COVID-19 at this time.  

We are continuing to plan for the safe return of Colonial students after the winter break.  Factors that impact this decision include:      

  • Positive staff cases and close contacts which impact the operations of the district. 
    • In-person instruction cannot operate unless there is an adequate level of personnel available.  This includes administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, custodians, nutrition services workers, bus drivers, and other support staff.
  • Positive student cases and DPH quarantines which necessitate pausing in-person classroom instruction.   
  • A potential spike in positive COVID-19 cases in early January which may occur following the winter break.
  • The guidance and data coming from DPH and other State agencies that we use to make planning decisions which continues to be refined and updated.

As of today, a tentative plan to bring students back for in-person learning in January is shown above

Please remember, the factors stated above could cause the district to return to virtual learning for classes, schools, or even the entire district.  Often, these decisions are made on a moment’s notice; therefore, all employees, parents, and students should be prepared daily to be either in-person or virtual.

In the upcoming weeks, I hope the Colonial community takes time to rest and rejuvenate for the new year.  If you need to Zoom, I hope that it will be used to connect with loved ones and friends.  I wish to thank all families and employees for their support as WE make difficult day-to-day decisions about student learning. I also wish to thank the Colonial staff for creating an engaging and robust virtual learning experience for students and for keeping buildings clean and students fed.  

Finally, please continue to monitor our website for the latest information. As always, WE promise to keep you updated and ask for your cooperation as WE move through these unprecedented times. Together WE will get through this!  Enjoy the winter break!

Jeffrey D. Menzer, Ed.D.