May 2022 Board of Education Meeting:
May 10th, 2022 at 7 pm
The Board will conduct business in person. Those choosing to attend in person should enter William Penn through the doors to the right of the front entrance and proceed upstairs to the Innovation Center on the left at the top of the stairs.
At the May 2022 Board of Education meeting . . .
WE recognized:
The William Penn Dance Troupe for taking 1st place at the Tournament Indoor Association Atlantic Coast Championships. Seven students, under the leadership of their advisor, teacher Shana Bacon, traveled to Atlantic City to compete in the lyrical dance session. The win is especially sweet for Ms. Bacon who will be retiring at the end of this school year after 31 years. Ms. Bacon took over the dance troupe five years ago after the passing of teacher Crystal Mason because she didn’t want the students to miss out on doing something they enjoyed. Her decision brought home 3 championship banners in 2018, 19, and 22. Ms. Bacon, who has no dance background, credits the students with their winning ways saying they choreograph their own routines….she says she just lets them know when they aren’t in sync. We wish to thank Ms. Bacon for her dedication, as well as thanking the dance troupe for representing Who WE are! The members of the dance troupe are:
- Alycia Burks
- Trinity Evans
- Aliyah Burks
- Adriana McClendon
- Ronyae Hardy-Holmes
- Judah Frye
- Jamya Hamilton
Our own board member Ronald Handy was recognized for earning the New Castle Prevention Coalition – Youth Advocacy Award – Mr. Handy has supported youth and activities that provide positive alternatives – especially basketball – to anti-social behavior activities for many years. He has made a life-changing difference in the lives of countless young people. Our community has benefitted substantially from his work. For this, he deserves to be recognized for representing Who WE are!
WE recognized three key people for bringing thousands of people to William Penn to view The Wall That Heals over a period of four days. The giant replica of the Vietnam Memorial was put on the traveling exhibition’s national tour list thanks to math teacher Nora Hutchinson who wanted to find a special way to honor her late father-in-law who died as a result of being exposed to Agent Orange. William Penn was the only school in the country on the tour list this year. Ms. Hutchinson, who chaired the committee solicited the help of Vice Chairman and Deputy Principal Jim Zimmerman along with William Penn secretary Merlyn Burns. We thank you all for coordinating this spectacular event that paid homage to the war dead, brought this community together in a way like never before, and garnered national and local media attention. Ms. Hutchinson, who did the lion’s share of the work, would like to acknowledge the entire committee who will also receive certificates after this presentation. Thanks to work done by the entire committee 34 thousand dollars was raised to cover the expenses of hosting the event, and while they’re still looking over the books, it looks like at least 10 thousand dollars was leftover and will be donated to community organizations. That’s something Colonial Nation can be even more proud of.
- The Colonial staff members include:
- Andrew Erickson
- Pete Correa
- Lauren Wilson
- Gabe Phillips
- Matt Sabol
- Shawn Foster
- Jim Evans
From the community, Ms. Hutchinson relied on - Rosely Robinson
- Dave Tiberi
- Dave Skocik
- Eric Lauppe
WE also said thank you and welcome to 2 student board representatives.
Sheyenne Faircloth has served on the board for the past 2 years and is a graduating senior at William Penn. This was her last board meeting and she was recognized for her service to the board and celebrated for her achievements in CSD.
WE welcomed Adrianna Hutton to the board as the new student representative. Ms. Hutton is a sophomore at William Penn and a life long colonial. When asked why she wanted to be on the school board she said “ I want to make sure that student’s opinions are heard on the board and I hope to bring their voice to each meeting. Congratulations Adrianna.
The Board Meeting will be
live streamed at:
Must be in person so make public comment
A maximum of 3 minutes is allotted. You will be called up when it is your turn to speak.
Members of the public are expected to remain in the designated area for speaking with the Board. Failure to remain in the designated area may result in the member of the public forfeiting their time to speak with the Board.
This session allows community members to discuss their views on issues and allows but doesn’t obligate Board members to respond within the 3-minute time slot allotted to individual public comment. Administrative staff may be identified and asked to provide follow-up on specific questions after the meeting. The responses from individual Board members do not necessarily reflect the Colonial School District Board of Education’s official position. The opinions and views shared tonight are those of each individual member. If a member of the public has documents to share with the Board they should indicate as such and a member of the executive leadership team will collect the documents and disseminate them to the Board.
Laws protecting the privacy rights of employees and students prohibit Board members from engaging in a discussion of any employee’s performance or qualifications or confidential matters relating to a student. If a Board member violates such statutory rights to privacy, such Board member may be exposed to individual liability. Concerns regarding individuals will not be discussed in the open forum. If you have a personal issue regarding your child(ren), we will help you set up an appointment with the appropriate person to address your needs.