We continue to monitor changes as they happen and adjust our plans as needed. Here’s the most recent update regarding this pandemic.
Current Status:
Schools and offices
Schools and offices will remain closed to the public but will remain open to employees in a limited capacity. See below for specific details.
12 – Month Employees
12-month employees will report to their normal work location on Monday (3/16) & and Tuesday (3/17) 8:00 am – 4:00 pm to work on a variety of tasks that will give our district guidance over the next two weeks that we are closed. If a 12-month employee is unable to report during these two days, they will need to use their leave time accordingly and also speak with their supervisor regarding their absence.
10 – Month Employees
10-month employees are not to report to their work locations. They will be notified of opportunities to come and retrieve personal items in the near future.
Operational Planning and Updates
By Monday, March 16th we will have a food distribution plan, learning opportunities and medical pickup procedures established.
We will continue to update you as we get information that will impact the district.