Featured Teacher Friday:
Cheritta Marvel
Southern Elementary School
Cheritta Marvel can’t walk to the halls of Southern Elementary School, or the streets in New Castle County for that matter, without someone approaching her to give a warm hug. Why? Because at age 73 Marvel is a beloved kindergarten teacher who has taught countless children during her career. She’s starting her 45th year in the Colonial School District, but this school year marks her 52nd as an educator. “I work this long because of my dedication to the profession. I like what I’m doing, and when I feel it’s time to go I will, but right now I still love it!”
Marvel comes from a long line of dedicated educators. Her sister, Barbara Wright, retired last school year after teaching for 50 years in Smryna. Her great uncle, Alfred G. Waters has a school named after him in the Appoquinimink School District, and her father taught as well. While Marvel is proud of her family’s history as educators, she takes special joy in knowing her daughter ended a 16-year career in the medical profession to become a 9th-grade math teacher in Dover this year. “I always told her that’s where she belonged, but she didn’t listen to me and now she’s there,” Marvel says as she chuckles. The family legacy won’t stop with Marvel’s daughter being a novice teacher. Her granddaughter is a freshman at Delaware State University majoring in Early Childhood Education. “It takes dedication, it takes commitment, but it also takes selfless time- that’s the biggest thing,” Marvel says about being an educator. After teaching generations of students in Colonial, Marvel is one of the most requested teachers at Southern. She hopes her students leave her with the same memories their parents have. “I hope they remember how I always said just do your best. I hope they remember how I always said everybody tries. I hope they remember I told them to say I can, I can, I can.” As for when she plans to retire, “It’s the magic question on everybody’s minds and I just tell them I take it year by year.”