Each year, staff, students, and caregivers across Delaware participate in the Delaware School Climate Survey.  In Colonial, district and school leaders use the feedback received through this survey to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

WE want to hear from you about your child’s experiences in Colonial schools, and this is one way that you can share your voice.  Here are some important things to know prior to taking the survey:

  • This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete (survey links are below)
  • Complete one survey per child.  If you have multiple children attending the same school, answer the survey with one child’s experiences in mind.
  • All information is confidential and anonymous.  No identifying information about you or your child will be asked.
  • Complete the survey by May 31 by clicking on the link for your child’s school.  You may also click on the link for a Spanish version of the survey, which will then allow you to select your child’s school.

Please contact your school principal with any questions, or you may contact Melanie Barbas melanie.barbas@colonial.k12.de.us. 

The surveys assess how students, teachers/staff, and parents perceive the school environment.  They measure: 

  • Perceptions of relationships among the school community members (e.g., teacher-student relationships, teacher-parent relationships, and student relationships)
  • School safety
  • Fairness and clarity of rules and behavioral expectations.

    School Climate is linked to a wide range of academic, behavioral, and socio-emotional outcomes for students:

    • Academic achievement
    • Student academic, social, and personal attitudes and motives
    • Attendance and school avoidance
    • Behavior problems, delinquency, victimization
    • Emotional well-being

    Home Survey Links per school:

    Carrie Downie: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/DownieCarrieES_home

    Castle Hills: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/CastleHillsElementarySchool_home

    Colwyck: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/TheColwyckCenter_home 

    Eisenberg: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/EisenbergHarryOES_home

    George Read: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/ReadGeorgeMS_home

    Gunning Bedford: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/BedfordGunningMiddleSchool_home

    Leach: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/LeachJGS_home

    McCullough: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/McCulloughCalvinRMS_home

    New Castle: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/NewCastleES_home

    Pleasantville: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/PleasantvilleES_home

    Southern: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/SouthernElementarySchool_home

    Wallin: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/Wallin_home

    Wilbur: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/WilburKathleenHES_home

    William Penn: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/PennWilliamHS_home

    Wilmington Manor: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/WilmingtonManorElementarySchool_home 

    Home Survey (Spanish-ALL SCHOOLS)
