Good afternoon. Today Governor John Carney announced that students will not be returning to school on May 18th as originally hoped.  Due to the continuing COVID health crisis, school buildings will remain closed to the public through the end of this school year. 

We will continue our focus on Leadership and Learning by providing remote learning for all CSD students until the revised end of the school year.

• The last day of remote learning for pre-k to 11th-grade students is June 12th.
For seniors, the last day of school is June 5th.
• Alternative plans for celebrating the graduation of seniors are now being made and will be shared as soon as possible.

Colonial Nation will get through this together as we all do everything we can to support our students. We will communicate further details regarding the impact the extended school closure will have on the end of year events and activities in the coming weeks. Please continue to check our website and social media for updates.  Thank You, and continue to follow safety precautions.