On Tuesday, May 7th, Colonial is GOING GREEN for Mental Health Awareness month.

We encourage all our students and staff to wear green on May 7th to show our support for Mental Health awareness.

Day 1:Protect your mental health

5/1/2024 Daily Affirmation

“Asking for help is a sign of self-respect, not a sign of weakness”

Teacher Therapy
“To spend your life doing what matters is the greatest of all achievements. Teacher matters.”


Daily Activity

Identify 3 things negatively impacting your mental health.  Choose one of those situations and complete the “Dealing with Tough Situations” worksheet.

Free Helpful Apps

Day 2: Four Things Impacting Your Mental Health

5/2/2024 Daily Affirmation

“I am more than my circumstances dictate”

Teacher Therapy

“Remember those teachers who influenced your life for the good.  What did they do?  How did they give you what you needed? Follow their example.”


Daily Activity

Identify 3 things negatively impacting your mental health.  Choose one of those situations and complete the “Dealing with Tough Situations” worksheet.

Free Helpful Apps

Mood Kit

Mind Shift CBT

Day 3: It’s ok to not be ok

5/3/2024 Daily Affirmation

“I am allowed to ask for what I want and what I need”

Teacher Therapy

“Teaching is demanding-take care of yourself. Have a healthy lunch, make time for exercise, and get enough rest..”


Daily Activity

Using the “Time to Talk” letter example, write a letter to yourself or a friend. Identify what you have been struggling with, how it makes you feel, how you feel talking to other people about your struggles, and what support you might need at this time.

Free Helpful Apps

Worry Watch

Day 4: Stress

5/6/2024 Daily Affirmation

“I take things one day at a time.”

Free Helpful apps                     

➤ Calm
➤ Headspace

Teacher Therapy

“Teach your students it’s alright to make mistakes.  Mistakes aren’t reasons for shame, they are chances to learn to do better.”



Daily Activity

1: Complete Stress Management Worksheet.  Identify stressors and symptoms.  Think about your social support, emotional management, life balance, and basic needs.

2: Complete Recognizing Stress Worksheet.  Identify how you process stress physically, emotionally, and behaviorally and things you can do to reduce symptoms.

Day 5: stress management-exercise

5/7/2024 Daily Affirmation
“I am grateful for the opportunity to move and improve”

Teacher Therapy
“Each day you have the opportunity to offer your students the world, to give them life changing knowledge and experiences. Relish the possibilities.”


Daily Activity
Choose at least one activity:

  • Walk for 20 minutes.
  • Complete 3 desk exercises.
  • Try Chair Yoga

Free Helpful Apps

➤ My Fitness Pal

Day 6: stress management-Eat Healthy

Stress Management: Eat Healthy

Daily Affirmation:
I am committed to becoming the best version of myself.

Choose at least one:
-Plan your meals for next week.
-Try 2 new healthy foods you have never tried before.
-Plan a healthy lunch with co-workers.

Eat Well

Boost Mental Health with Nutrition

Healthy Diet

Eat Healthy on a Budget

My Net Diary
Lose It


Day 7: Stress Management: More Sleep

Daily Affirmation:
Consistency in my routine leads to remarkable results.

Choose at least one:
-Start a new bedtime routine
-Complete a Guided Meditation before bed
-Go to bed early
-Listen to a sleep story


Waking Up Refreshed

Get Enough Sleep


  • Calm
  • Aura
  • Medito


Day 8: stress management-Relax

5/9/2024 Daily Affirmation
I am relaxed and at peace.

Teacher Therapy

“Everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you.”


Daily Activity

Choose at least one:

-Complete Self-Care Assessment


-Give yourself at least 20 minutes of alone time.

-Go tech free for a night


Free Helpful Apps

Happy Color

Day 9:mindfulness-What is mindfulness?

5/13/2024 Daily Affirmation

My confidence grows when I step outside of my comfort zone.

Teacher Therapy

“Don’t forget, you are a person first and a teacher second.”


What is Mindfulness?

Befits of Mindfulness

7 Ways Mindfulness Can Help Teachers

Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Daily Activity

Complete one of the following activities. 

-Mindfulness Walk

-Body Scan

-Five Senses

Did the activity help you to become more present? When could you incorporate this practice at work and home?


Free Helpful Apps

➤UCLA Mindful

➤Healthy Minds Program


Day 10: mindfulness-mindfulness exercises

5/15/2024 Daily Affirmation

My strength is greater than my struggle.

Teacher Therapy

“Your breathing is your greatest friend. Return to it in all your troubles and you will find comfort and guidance.”



Daily Activity

Try one of the mindfulness exercises.

Did the exercise help you to become more present?  Could you use one of these exercises with your students?  How would you sell your students on engaging in the exercise?


Free Helpful Apps

➤Smiling Mind

➤Insight Timer

Day 11: mindfulness-Meditation

 Daily Affirmation

I can do anything I put my mind to.

Teacher Therapy

“May your coffee be strong and your students be calm”


Daily Activity

Complete one Meditation.  Was it difficult or easy? What did you like about it?  What did you not like about it?  In your daily life at work and home when could you incorporate this practice to improve your mindfulness?

Free Helpful Apps


➤Ten Percent Happier

Day 12: mindfulness-Meditation

Daily Affirmation

I can do anything I put my mind to.

Teacher Therapy

“May your coffee be strong and your students be calm”


Mindfulness and Meditation: What you Need to Know

How to Meditate

What is the Best Type of Meditation?

15 Minute Meditation for Patience and Resolve

12 Minute Meditation for Cultivating a Connection to Yourself

12 Minute Meditation for Challenging Emotions

Guided Meditation for Gathering Energy


Daily Activity

Complete one Meditation.  Was it difficult or easy? What did you like about it?  What did you not like about it?  In your daily life at work and home when could you incorporate this practice to improve your mindfulness?

Free Helpful Apps


➤Ten Percent Happier