A Message from Your School Nurses:
COVID-19 Updates
Please be mindful of the following considerations when your student returns to school during face to face learning:
Emergency Medications
If your child has emergency medications (ex. asthma, seizure, diabetes, or severe allergy) you will need to contact your school nurse via email to schedule an appointment for medication drop-off.
Here are the forms that will need to be completed before medication drop off occurs. Please click below to download the form.
For Children with Asthma
To manage students’ asthma during this COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that students use inhalers with spacers (with or without a face mask, according to each student’s individualized treatment plan) over nebulizer treatments whenever possible.” This recommendation is to decrease exposure to aerosolized droplets and therefore decrease the risk of spreading germs. Please work with your child’s physician to update their care plan accordingly, and provide your child’s inhaler and spacer for school use in an asthmatic emergency. The following link provides further information.
For Children with Food Allergies
In order to maintain social distancing and limit movement throughout the building, students will be eating in their classrooms.
- Please make sure to communicate with your school nurse any updates to your child’s Food Allergy Action Plan, and whether your child will need further accommodations to remain safe during mealtime.
Routine Medications
In an effort to prevent the exposure of your child to illnesses in the nurse’s office, we are trying to limit the frequency of administration of routine daily medications. Please consider administering these medications at home before/after school if possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your school nurse directly
Masks at School
In the State of Delaware, all students in grades kindergarten and above are required to wear a face-covering in school except while eating and napping.
- Please make sure your student comes to school wearing a mask and has an extra mask in their backpack if needed.
- Please label your child’s mask with their initials or name on the front or inside the mask.
• If your child is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or you have answered yes to any of the COVID-19 screening questions, do not send your child to school. Instead, contact your child’s primary healthcare provider and school nurse for further guidance.
– A return to school note will be required.
• If a student is currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and is awaiting test results, the student must not attend school, in person. The parent/guardian should communicate with the school nurse regarding the status of test results to determine return to school clearance
• A positive COVID-19 case will require a clearance note from Delaware Public Health.
• If anyone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, your child will be considered a close contact and will not be permitted to come to school until a clearance letter is sent to your school nurse by Delaware Public Health.
• If a student begins to experience COVID-19 symptoms while at school, the student must be referred to the school nurse for assessment. The school nurse will evaluate the student’s symptoms.
– If it is deemed necessary to send the student home, the school nurse will discuss a return to school clearance with the parent/guardian.
– A return to school note will be required.
Emergency Cards
Please complete the emergency card for your child as soon as you receive it, and send the form directly to the school nurse.