Hello Colonial Families,

We hope you have enjoyed your summer so far and are excited for the start of the new school year!

We are reaching out today to let you know about a change in how you receive your child’s state test scores.

In the past, the Delaware Department of Education mailed state test scores directly to families.  This year that is changing.  The Department has created a Parent Portal that allows families to log in and access state test scores at any time.  To access the portal, you will receive a message from DoNotReply@CambiumAssessment.com. The email provides a live link that will expire in 7 days.  Please access this site using the access code information provided for your student in the email.  Please note that if you have more than one student in tested grades, you will get an email with an access code for each child. We suggest recording your access code information somewhere so you will have it in case you need it in the future. 

The Delaware Department of Education intends to maintain this Parent Portal system for the foreseeable future. It will be the only way for you to access your child’s state testing scores, providing a reliable and consistent method for years to come.

If you do not receive a message from DoNotReply@CambiumAssessment.com by (the day after you send this message), please contact Justin Bittner (justin.bittnerjr@colonial.k12.de.us) for assistance.