• You should expect to receive a mailing with important updates by the end of next week. It will include information regarding the school year, Covid information, and several important updates from various departments.
• Secondary schedules will be available via Home Access Center by August 26th.
• This year our summer mailing will not include transportation information. We will send bus stops, bus numbers and location to you using the school messengers system the week of August 23.
• If you have not been receiving phone calls and emails from the Colonial School District, please contact your child’s school to ensure we have updated email and phone contacts for you.
All students are provided the materials needed for learning by the district. Parents may wish to provide additional or preferred supplies for their child. Occasionally, certain schools/teachers may have a specific need which will be communicated by late August.
WE thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to plan for the 2021-22 School year. Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for updates.