Back to School Updates
For the most up to date information on Back to school 2021 in Colonial, Please review the link below for an update on return to school in Colonial for 2021. All newly developed information will have a date in the heading. As protocols are established, they will be added to this document.
On August 18th, the Colonial School district hosted Colonial Return to School and ESSER Funding Town Hall.
Back to School Dates: First Student Days
Monday, August 30th
- First Student Day – grades 1 – 8
- Kindergarten – students last names starting with A-L
- WPHS – Grades 9 & 10 only
Tuesday, August 31st
- Grades 1 – 8: All students attend
- Kindergarten – students last names starting with A-L
- WPHS – Grades 9 & 10 only
Wednesday, September 1
- Kindergarten – students last names starting with M – Z
- WPHS: All students attend
- Grades 1 – 8: All students attend
Thursday, September 2
- Kindergarten – students last names starting with M – Z
- WPHS – All students attend
- Grades 1 – 8: All students attend
September 7th
- First Day – Prek
Parent information for Transportation, Schedules and Homerooms
Thank you for your patience and flexibility this year! We wanted to take this opportunity to help you navigate where to find first day of school information and who to contact with questions or concerns.
By the week of August 23rd, you should have received:
- Elementary
- During the week of August 9th, A letter was sent in the mail with information regarding your students homeroom and school information
- An email and phone call with information regarding transportation information
- Secondary
- During the week of August 9th, A letter was sent in the mail with information school information
- An email and phone call with information regarding transportation information
- Availability to Home Access Center for information on class schedules/homerooms. Class schedule adjustments are still being made. Please continue to check Home Access for Updates.
In an effort to make sure all the information regarding transportation and school homeroom information is accurate, we will be sending an updated phone call and email Friday, August 27th in the morning. This CALL and EMAIL tomorrow will have homeroom information and more. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school.
WE’re Back! First Day Back to School Signs!
Celebrate with us as WE’re Back! Download our first day of school signs for 2021 and share on your social media with hashtag #firstdayscsd!
Technology Resources
Check out our technology education resource hub for families as we enter into this school year!
Nutrition Update
As a reminder for the first week of school:
- Breakfast – No breakfast will be served on the first day of school.
- Lunch:
- Supply chain issues may begin to impact school menus, resulting in a decrease in variety or repeated and unpredictable last-minute adjustments. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
- Snack and student accounts
- It is important to keep in mind that elementary schools will not be offering a-la-carte items during the first week of school.
- While breakfast and lunch are offered at no charge to all CSD students, your child may choose to purchase an additional snack or second meal. Due to a national shortage of coins, we will have limited availability to give change for a la carte items purchased in the café’s. The Nutrition Services Department encourages parents/guardians to use our online pre-payment provider at Please access the link below to set up an account for your student(s) convenience.
Breakfast, lunch and nutrition information can be found at
YMCA Services
The YMCA is back and offering Before and After Care services at Southern, Wilbur, and Pleasantville elementary schools. Unfortunately due to low enrollment, the YMCA Before & After Care will not be able to provide services at the following schools:
- Carrie Downie
- Castle Hills
- Colwyck
- New Castle
- Wilmington Manor
The YMCA will continue to monitor enrollment levels and may open these sites later in the fall or early next year pending continued increased enrollment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused families.