ELA 2020
We believe that strong literacy skills–reading, writing, speaking, and listening –are essential in developing responsible, self-motivated learners.
Our vision is to ensure all students have strong literacy skills–reading, writing, speaking, and listening–necessary to function as lifelong leaders and learners in the 21st century.
Our mission is to provide a stimulating learning environment that all students can read widely, think critically, and communicate effectively.
Our goal is to help all students reach their learning potential. Teachers and leaders focus on providing curriculum, instruction, and assessments that are rigorous, integrated, and aligned.
Our curriculum is designed to meet the demands of the common core state standards through rich, diverse text. Teachers follow district created units of study and utilize research-based strategies to engage students in high-quality instructional materials. We differentiate through scaffolding on-grade level text so that students may become proficient readers. We allow our teachers the autonomy of using instructional materials to best meet the needs of the students. Below are instructional
Middle School
- Curriculum (McDougal Littell, novels, CommonLit, NewsELA)
High School
- Curriculum (McDougal Littell, novels, CommonLit, NewsELA
- Diverse texts
- Library info
Our Team
Dr. Crystal Lancour
Supervisor of K-12 Mathematics & World Language
Dr. Nick Baker
Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction: Science and Social Studies
Katie Gutowski
Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction: K-12 English Language Arts