What are Developmental Milestones, what is Developmental Screening, and why should I complete the ASQs?
Developmental Screening is a snapshot of a child’s current development used to determine if the child is meeting Developmental Milestones, which are things that most children can do by a certain age. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children receive Developmental Screening at the ages of 9, 18, 24 or 30, 36, and 48 months. If a child is experiencing delays, it is important to provide intervention as soon as possible. Research demonstrates that the sooner a child receives intervention, the better his or her chances are of developing age appropriate skills, and not needing remediation or special education services later in life. In Colonial, each family who completes the online ASQs will receive 1) screening results, 2) a packet explaining Developmental Milestones, and 3) a packet describing Developmentally Appropriate Activities for home. If a child’s scores indicate potential delays, the family will be notified and provided with information regarding how to request additional testing.
What is the difference between Screening & Assessment? To find out, CLICK HERE!
ENGLISH: If Your Child is 34 Months Old or Older (Preschool Age):
English Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)
Be sure to Complete #1 AND #2:
**If printing paper copies of the ASQs to complete & give to Colonial Staff, you MUST also print & submit this consent form–CLICK HERE for English Consent Form.
SPANISH: If your child is 34 Months Old or Older (Preschool Age):
Spanish Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)
** If printing paper copies of the ASQs to complete & give to Colonial Staff, you MUST also print & submit this consent form–CLICK HERE for Spanish Consent Form.
ENGLISH: If Your Child is
Birth-34 Months old
(Infant or Toddler):
- CLICK HERE to complete the English ASQ Developmental Screeners.
SPANISH: If Your Child is
Birth-34 Months old
(Infant or Toddler):
CLICK HERE to complete the Spanish ASQ Developmental Screeners.
Information for Colonial Community Child Care/Early Learning Program Partners
- For detailed developmental screening information and Colonial staff contact information, CLICK HERE.
- To review Colonial’s ASQ Developmental Screening flyer that programs are encouraged to give to families, CLICK HERE for the English Flyer, and CLICK HERE for the Spanish Flyer.
- To Review the Delaware Department of Education’s Developmental Screening Resources, CLICK HERE.