Phone and Email
Make sure your email and phone number are up to date. Call 302-832-6300 to make sure you have the most up to date information on file.
Southern Family Update 10/7/24
Welcome Back 2024
August 2024 Dear Southern Shark Families, It is with great excitement that I welcome you to Southern Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year. It is going to be a fabulous year! The first day of school for students in 1st-5th grade is Monday, August 26th....
before and aftercare program update
Dear Southern Parents/Guardians, We hope this message finds you well and that you are enjoying the onset of the summer season! We are thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration with SummerCollab for the upcoming school year’s before and aftercare program . As you...
Southern Family Weekly Update For the Week of 3/25/2024
Update for March 29: Bus Incident
Dear Southern Families, Please be aware that Bus # 283, a special needs school bus bound for Southern Elementary School was involved in an accident this morning on Route 9 near the refinery. Six students and the driver and bus aide were sent to Christiana Hospital out...
Back to School Night: THURSDAY, AUGUST 26
Hello! Welcome to the beginning of the 2021-22 School Year at Southern Elementary School. This message is to inform you about some important changes to our Back to School event this year. While we wish to give families a chance to visit the school, we are also...
Principal Update: November 29th
This is a 5 day week for students. All students will continue with online learning through this week. Colonial School district is striving to have students in our CASL, Integration A, and Intensive Learning Center programs return on Monday, December 7th. This is a...
COVID 19 Update: November 23
November 23, 2020 Dear Parents/Guardians and Students: Today we learned that an individual at Southern Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19 . The individual was last in the building on Monday, November 16th. This individual will not return to school...
Weekly Update 11/9/2020
Good Evening Southern Elementary School Families. This is Mr. Gibeault with your weekly update for the week of November 9th. This is a 4 day week for students. Schools and offices are closed Wednesday for Veteran’s Day. On Monday, we look forward to welcoming many...
Update for the week of November 9th
Good Evening Southern Elementary School Families. This is Mr. Gibeault with your weekly update for the week of November 9th. This is a 4 day week for students. Schools and offices are closed Wednesday for Veteran’s Day. On Monday, we look forward to welcoming many...