During the COVID-19 State of Emergency, we will utilize the following temporary process for work permits: A minor and/or their parent can go online to the Department of Labor website print the work permit out, complete the middle section (Minors information), have the employer complete the top section, and scan it back to Labor Law Enforcement Officer, Jay Dempsey at jay.dempsey@delaware.gov along with proof of age (i.e.- birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or a government-issued identification card). Once the information has been reviewed, a confirmation email will be sent to the employee regarding the status of the work permit. The minor should make a copy of the work permit and the confirmation email for the employer, and also keep a copy for their own personal records. This process is only being used during the COVID-19 Emergency. If you have additional questions, please contact our 8th grade counselor, Mr. Fitzpatrick (Kahlil.Fitzpatrick@colonial.k12.de.us) or Principal, Mr. Johnston (william.johnston@colonial.k12.de.us)
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