DTCC BIO 120: Anatomy and Physiology

DTCC BIO 120: Anatomy and Physiology

DTCC BIO 120: Anatomy & Physiology This course studies the anatomy and physiology of humans, including the structure and function of cells, tissues, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Coordinated laboratory experiments are an...
DTCC ENG 101: Composition I (Dual Enrollment)

DTCC ENG 101: Composition I (Dual Enrollment)

DTCC ENG 101: Critical Thinking and Academic Writing (Fall Semester) This college-level course is designed to teach the concepts of critical thinking and reading skills in the context of written response and essay writing. This course introduces and reinforces the...
UD AGRI 217: Leadership and Communication in Agriculture

UD AGRI 217: Leadership and Communication in Agriculture

UD AGRI 217: Leadership and Communication in Agriculture (Fall Semester) Communication skills as they relate to leadership styles will be explored.  Practical experience in oral and written communication as well as social media will occur with a hybrid course with one...
UD COMM 245: Media and Society

UD COMM 245: Media and Society

UD COMM 245: Media and Society (Fall Semester) The relationship between media and culture; how media affect culture (i.e., socialization and role modeling); and exploration of new forms of mass communication. Upon “successful” completion of this course, students will...
UD ENGL 151: Studies in Popular Fiction: GOTH LIT

UD ENGL 151: Studies in Popular Fiction: GOTH LIT

UD ENGL 151: Studies in Popular Fiction: GOTH LIT (Fall Semester) Study of popular GOTH LIT: HORROR/ SCIFI/ CRIME fiction (literary, cinematic, and/or multimedia). May focus on period, theme, singular author, etc. Upon “successful” completion of this course, students...