DTCC ENG 101: Critical Thinking and Academic Writing (Fall Semester)
This college-level course is designed to teach the concepts of critical thinking and reading skills in the context of written response and essay writing. This course introduces and reinforces the skills necessary to complete academic essays and to respond to diverse texts in meaningful ways.
Prerequisite(s): 3.0+ GPA OR SAT 480+ OR 75%+ in “Foundations of College English course” OR placement through Accuplacer Exam
Upon “successful” completion of this course, students will earn 3 college credits + 1 high school AP-weighted credit. This DelTech course is offered at William Penn High School, during school hours.
- Level of Support: Most
- University: Delaware Technical Community College
- Type: Face-to-Face @ Penn, semester-long
- Instructor: Mrs. Moore (formerly Tomeo)
- Grade Level: 12th Grade only/ REPLACES ENG IV for graduation
- Cost: $125
- Payment: Due before enrolling in the course; Pay to “William Penn High School” via cash, check, or online- see Ms. Cuje
Textbooks for this course will be supplied by William Penn.

Transfer of College credit after attending through Early College Programs
Students who subsequently enroll in Dual Enrollment or Early College courses enjoy advanced standing. Many colleges and universities will generally accept credits earned through programs of this type. Some will not. Most colleges and universities will accept credits from other institutions if a grade of “C” or better is earned. The student and/or their parents/guardian should contact the college or university of their choice to determine whether Dual Enrollment or Early College credits will be accepted. Students may have to send an official transcript from the partnering higher education institution to the college or university of their choice to aid in the college’s decision. Each institution applies these credits differently.