UD ENTR 167: Entrepreneurship Experience This course is designed to provide practical career development skills, build meaningful relationships and foster an entrepreneurial mindset. Teaches how to brand yourself through the use of social media; acquires...
UD ENGL 151: Studies in Popular Fiction: GOTH LIT (Fall Semester) Study of popular GOTH LIT: HORROR/ SCIFI/ CRIME fiction (literary, cinematic, and/or multimedia). May focus on period, theme, singular author, etc. Upon “successful” completion of this course, students...
UD GEOL 105: Geological Hazards and Their Human Impact (Spring Semester) Geological processes and events that adversely affect humans and civilization. Methods for predicting and dealing with geological hazards. Upon “successful” completion of this course, students...
UD HOSP 180: Introduction to Hospitality Business Management (Fall or Spring Semester) This course provides information about the numerous segments of the hospitality industry, the history of hospitality, current trends, and related issues. Students will be exposed to...
UD PLSC 100: Plant and Human Culture (Spring Semester) Current survey of interrelationships between plants and diverse human cultures. Different cultural lenses, such as socio-economic status, cultural heritage and residential environment are used to explore...