UD HOSP 180: Introduction to Hospitality Business Management
(Fall or Spring Semester)
This course provides information about the numerous segments of the hospitality industry, the history of hospitality, current trends, and related issues. Students will be exposed to a variety of learning experiences that can expand their knowledge of the dynamic and global hospitality industry.
Upon “successful” completion of this course, students will earn 3 college credits + 1 high school AP-weighted credit. This UDel course is offered as a synchronous online course during the Fall semester. **Mandatory Synchronous classes are held weekly via Zoom on Mondays from 6-7:15 pm. Students will also meet with their team (via Zoom) at least once per week (time and days TBD).
- Level of Support: Most
- University: University of Delaware
- Type: Synchronous Online @ Zoom, semester-long
- Instructor: UD Instructor Dr. Sheryl Kline
- Grade Level: 11-12th
- Cost: $75
- Payment: Due before enrolling in the course; Pay to “William Penn High School” via cash, check, or online- see Ms. Cuje
Textbooks for this course will be supplied by the University of Delaware.