UD ART 204: Media/Design/Culture (Spring Semester) Current and historical media processes and their impact on art, design and culture. Image making and manipulation, video, audio, interactivity, and connectivity. Viewing fine art and design projects, the historical...
UD COMM 245: Media and Society (Fall Semester) The relationship between media and culture; how media affect culture (i.e., socialization and role modeling); and exploration of new forms of mass communication. Upon “successful” completion of this course, students will...
UD ENGL 151: Studies in Popular Fiction: GOTH LIT (Fall Semester) Study of popular GOTH LIT: HORROR/ SCIFI/ CRIME fiction (literary, cinematic, and/or multimedia). May focus on period, theme, singular author, etc. Upon “successful” completion of this course, students...
UD HOSP 180: Introduction to Hospitality Business Management (Fall or Spring Semester) This course provides information about the numerous segments of the hospitality industry, the history of hospitality, current trends, and related issues. Students will be exposed to...
UD UAPP 110: Changing the World and Public Policy (Fall Semester) “Going Green,” the haves and have nots, relevant politics – all huge contemporary issues. Can you get a job AND make a difference? Public policy addresses such issues and begins with you. Examines...