DTCC PSY 121: General Psychology This course is a survey of general principles underlying human behavior and mental processes. Topics include the nervous system, perception, learning, motivation, personality, and psychological disorders. Methods of assessment and...
UD ANFS 102: Food for Thought (Spring Semester) Overview of our foods today including how the composition, safety, processing, and chemistry influence our choices and overall production. The effects of social influences and the marketing of foods will be discussed as...
UD ART 204: Media/Design/Culture (Spring Semester) Current and historical media processes and their impact on art, design and culture. Image making and manipulation, video, audio, interactivity, and connectivity. Viewing fine art and design projects, the historical...
UD ARTH 101: Visual Culture (Spring Semester) Explores the ways we make, perceive and experience images and artifacts. Students will hone their skills in seeing, analyzing historical models and critically engaging in discussions of visual art and material cultures in...
UD GEOL 105: Geological Hazards and Their Human Impact (Spring Semester) Geological processes and events that adversely affect humans and civilization. Methods for predicting and dealing with geological hazards. Upon “successful” completion of this course, students...