Foundations of College English (Prerequisite)

Foundations of College English (Prerequisite)

Foundations of College English The Foundations of College English is a preparatory course designed to provide reinforcement in writing skills and improve reading fluency and comprehension skills. Reading and writing activities are integrated to provide continuity and...
DTCC PSY 121: General Psychology (Dual Enrollment)

DTCC PSY 121: General Psychology (Dual Enrollment)

DTCC PSY 121: General Psychology This course is a survey of general principles underlying human behavior and mental processes. Topics include the nervous system, perception, learning, motivation, personality, and psychological disorders. Methods of assessment and...
UD ART 204: Media/Design/Culture

UD ART 204: Media/Design/Culture

UD ART 204: Media/Design/Culture (Spring Semester) Current and historical media processes and their impact on art, design and culture. Image making and manipulation, video, audio, interactivity, and connectivity. Viewing fine art and design projects, the historical...
UD HOSP 180: Intro to Hospitality Business Management

UD HOSP 180: Intro to Hospitality Business Management

UD HOSP 180: Introduction to Hospitality Business Management (Fall or Spring Semester) This course provides information about the numerous segments of the hospitality industry, the history of hospitality, current trends, and related issues. Students will be exposed to...
WU BIO 251: Biology 1 (with Lab)

WU BIO 251: Biology 1 (with Lab)

WU BIO 251: Biology I (with Lab) 4 credits This course involves the study of living organisms on a molecular and cellular level. Emphasis will be placed on the chemistry of biological molecules, structure and function of cells and their components, genetic patterns of...