DSU ENGL 250: Storytelling for Social Change (Full Year) In this course, students will discover stories that will challenge, validate and/or inspire perspective. Through reading and writing both fiction and non-fiction students explore how increased self-awareness,...
DTCC BIO 120: Anatomy & Physiology This course studies the anatomy and physiology of humans, including the structure and function of cells, tissues, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Coordinated laboratory experiments are an...
Foundations of College English The Foundations of College English is a preparatory course designed to provide reinforcement in writing skills and improve reading fluency and comprehension skills. Reading and writing activities are integrated to provide continuity and...
DTCC PSY 121: General Psychology This course is a survey of general principles underlying human behavior and mental processes. Topics include the nervous system, perception, learning, motivation, personality, and psychological disorders. Methods of assessment and...
UD AGRI 217: Leadership and Communication in Agriculture (Fall Semester) Communication skills as they relate to leadership styles will be explored. Practical experience in oral and written communication as well as social media will occur with a hybrid course with one...