WU HIS 230: History of Art and Design This course studies the artistic trends and developing technologies that have influenced creative work throughout Europe and America. This course focuses on the relationship between design and art, as well as the artist’s...
WU HIS 316: American History This course covers the history of the United States from its discovery to the complexities of the modern world. It will be divided into five categories: Discovery and Exploration, Settlement, Forging a New Nation, Growing Pains, and the...
WU PHI 100: Introduction to Critical Thinking This introductory course challenges students with the question: ”Why do you think the way you do?” It gives practical consideration to overcoming thinking errors, developing ethical thought, and applying...
WU PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology This course offers an overview of the principles of human behavior. Developmental theories, psychophysiology, thinking, learning, personality theories, abnormal, and deviant psychology are introduced. Methods of assessment and...
WU SEC 290: Introduction to Programming with Python This course introduces the student to computer programming using the Python programming language. The purpose of the course is to help students understand programming as both an art form and a science. Upon...