Sophia Learning Courses
Do you plan on attending Wilmington University or one of these colleges? Then Sophia Learning courses might be for you! Sophia Learning offers online courses for college credit. You set the pace of how long you need to complete the course and pay a monthly fee. You can take up to two courses at once.

Transfer of College credit after attending through Early College Programs
Students who subsequently enroll in Dual Enrollment or Early College courses enjoy advanced standing. Many colleges and universities will generally accept credits earned through programs of this type. Some will not. Most colleges and universities will accept credits from other institutions if a grade of “C” or better is earned. The student and/or their parents/guardian should contact the college or university of their choice to determine whether Dual Enrollment or Early College credits will be accepted. Students may have to send an official transcript from the partnering higher education institution to the college or university of their choice to aid in the college’s decision. Each institution applies these credits differently.