Health & Wellness
In Colonial, WE believe in the five tenets of the Whole Child Framework. When students are healthy, feel safe, are supported through strong systems and relationships, are challenged and experience success, and are engaged in learning that is relevant and meaningful, they are more likely to enjoy learning, develop positive social skills, and achieve greater success. It is our mission to support the physical and emotional well-being of students so they can become academically well.
To achieve this mission, the Division of Health and Wellness colaborates with other Colonial School District Divisions to provide support and services to all schools.
- Curriculum and Instruction- To coordinate health and physical education instruction
- Nutrition Services- To assist students, and their families, in having access to nutritional food both in and out of school
- Human Resources/Talent Development- To assist our staff in addressing the physical and mental health needs
District Office
318 East Basin Road, New Castle, Delaware 19720