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Important Information:
Staff Update:  1/26/23
Dates to Know:
Board Meeting 2/7/23 (not our usual second Tuesday of the month)
Staff Development: 2/17/23
Schools and Offices Closed: 2/20/23

Equity ERA: Engage-Reflect-Act

  • Engage: Check out this podcast from NPR’s CodeSwitch series, “How three unlikely groups worked together to achieve interracial solidarity” (about 24 min). “In this episode we turn to late 1960s Chicago, when three unlikely groups came together to form a coalition based on interracial solidarity. It’s hard to imagine this kind of collaboration today, but we dove into how a group of Black radicals, Confederate flag-waving white Southerners, and street-gang-turned-activist Puerto Ricans found common ground. They called themselves: The Rainbow Coalition.
  • Reflect: How could a group like this get started today?  What could be the impact?
  • Act: Find activist groups in your area and learn more about their mission and work.

Join our District Wide Equity Book Club! 

  • When: The first Tues of the month (Feb-June)
  • Time: 4:30-5:30
  • Where: Zoom
  • Books: The 3 books we received as a district:
    • Ratchetdemic (Dr. Chris Emdin)
    • For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood… and the Rest of Y’all Too:  Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education (Dr. Chris Emdin)
    • Leading Equity (Dr. Sheldon Eakins)
  • CLICK HERE for more information!

Nominate our next Teacher of the Year!
Do you know a classroom teacher who is dedicated, inspiring, and making a difference? If so, please take the time to recommend this person for his/her school’s 2023-24 Teacher of the Year by completing and submitting this nomination form. Administrators, staff members, parents, and community members are encouraged to participate.

Please note: All nominations will be reviewed for eligibility per state guidelines. Eligible nominees will be shared with each school in their selection of a building-level Teacher of the Year. Colonial School District’s Teacher of the Year will be selected from among those candidates. School and District Teachers of the Year will be announced in May 2023.

Nominations by February 21st, 2023 at

DOE Professional Learning
There are now 29 opportunities to be Micro-Credentialed by DOE! See this website for  more information. Register through PDMS.

Staff Apparel Store
We know many of our staff have requested to purchase CSD apparel such as jackets and polos. The Store is LIVE from now until February 10th at

How it works:

  • Place your order and pay at  from January 30th to February 10th.
  • Once the ordering window closes (2/10), orders will be processed within 1-2 weeks and delivered to district office.
  • Once delivered, we will distribute items to your school for delivery.

We will offer this store again this spring and, in the fall, with new products for each season. If you have suggestions for products you would like to see added, email Gabriel Phillips at , and we will take your suggestions into consideration. Please note that for now, these are CSD-branded products. School staff stores with school logos may be entertained in the future.

Safer Internet Day
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 is Safer Internet Day. The 2023 Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) focus is Sextortion. ICAC is continuing to highlight the issue of Sextortion, focusing on financial sextortion and the importance of children knowing they can always get help. In anticipation of Safer Internet Day, please find below information on the “Self-Generated Content and Sextortion Awareness and Prevention” webinar, scheduled for February 7, 2023 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. This webinar is open to the public, to include administrators, educators, and parents. Additional information and resources on Safer Internet Day are available at Safer Internet Day USA. In the coming weeks, DE ICAC will provide additional information regarding Safer Internet Day, to include a proposed morning announcement.  Please feel free to reach out to Deputy Attorney General Erik Towne via email at if you have any questions or concerns.

“Self-Generated Content and Sextortion Awareness and Prevention” webinar: Self-Generated Content (sexting) sharing has become ever increasingly normative behavior for youth. This behavior can lead to Sextortion scams where offenders obtain explicit content and then pressure the victim to send money or send additional explicit content. Financial sextortion has become a significant danger for our youth, especially boys, and is often perpetrated by organized crime groups in Nigeria or the Ivory Coast. These threats can cause shame, fear and confusion and have led some victims to suicidal behaviors. This presentation will identify tactics used to target victims and will focus on awareness and preventive messaging to help provide protective factors for youth. Registration – Self-Generated Content and Sextortion Awareness and Prevention | Webinar (Upcoming): Training – ICAC (

WE change Odds – Speaker Series
Join us for an intimate conversation that will contribute to our strategic plan and equity work.

Keynote Speaker: Bebe Coker
Topic: Redlining in the state of Delaware

February 22, 2023, at 6 pm at WPHS
Open to the public • Food will be served


The Office of Pensions is hosting a virtual Pre-retirement Workshop to provide information regarding the Delaware State Employees’ Pension Plan benefits. There is no cost or pre-registration required to attend. Participants will learn how to prepare their own estimated benefit using the Pension online calculator. The session will begin promptly at 9:00 AM on February 15, 2023.

Please check the Office of Pensions website for the most up-to-date information, helpful handouts, and the link to the session –

 Unable to attend this virtual workshop? Visit our website at for future workshops, the online calculator, and to view the pre-retirement workshop video (closed captioning available).

The Critical Need Reimbursement application for academic semester fall/winter 2022 – 2023 opened, Wednesday, February 1, 2023, and will close at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 15, 2023. Educators can apply online for reimbursement for up to $1,300 for coursework taken during the fall/winter terms of the 2022 – 2023 academic year.

Critical Need Scholarships- Important information
Applicants for the Critical Need Reimbursement program must hold an Emergency Certificate or Certificate of Eligibility in a critical need subject area during the time they took fall/winter 2022-2023 courses.

Please make sure your Emergency Certification or Certificate of Eligibility is valid during the time in which you are taking courses. You will need to speak to your district Human Resource Administrator or Licensure and Certification (DEEDS). K-12 Licensure and Certification – Delaware Department of Education.

If you have any questions or concerns about Critical Need Reimbursement, please reach out to the Delaware Department of Education, Higher Education Office at: prior to the closing date and time. 

Application Procedures:

  • Fall 2022 and Winter 2023 combined application will open on February 1, 2023, and close at 4:30 PM on February 15, 2023
  • Spring 2023 application will open on May 1, 2023, and close at 4:30 PM on May 15, 2023

WE Recruit!
Are YOU a paraeducator in Colonial who is thinking about becoming a teacher?  If the answer is YES, join us on Thursday, February 9th at 2:45pm or 4:30pm for a Virtual Mixer to learn more about the Para to Teacher pathways at Wilmington University.  Click here to view the flyer and to access the zoom link for the mixer.  During this mixer you will learn about:

  • Accredited and affordable teaching degree programs that flex to accommodate your schedule.
  • Degrees that fit your path and align with your professional interests.
  • Courses led by engaged education leaders.

Wilmington University offers both undergraduate and graduate level programs to meet your educational needs.  Hope to see you there!

WE Recruit…Future Educators!!!
Let’s send a super special “Shout Out” to Harmony Thomas, Madisen Hollis, and Makayla Hollis who represented William Penn and Colonial well at the Teacher Academy Committee meeting at Delaware State University on Tuesday sponsored by Rodel.  These amazing young ladies did a phenomenal job elevating student voice in the field of education.  WE look forward to seeing them lead classrooms of their own in the future!

Technology Update:  TikTok
As you have been made aware, the State of Delaware has blocked access to TikTok from ALL STATE NETWORKS.  In addition, the State is mandating that TikTok is no longer allowed to be accessed using any State-owned device AT ANY TIME – this includes all district issued devices.  Therefore, district issued devices being accessed at home or on public networks are not allowed to access TikTok.  There are security risks involved with the TikTok application that led to this action, including the ability to detect keystrokes and possible screen/data captures.  This poses a threat not only to your district accounts, but personal ones as well.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Help Desk at 302-323-2854.