Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunity: This is an unpaid experience where you will gain valuable work-readiness skills, learn the importance of professionalism, and build great content for your resume.
Job Opportunity: This is a paid work opportunity. Make sure to explore the website and learn about the company, what age they hire, and their expectations. You may not qualify for each opportunity because of age or experience, so make sure to research!
Other: This may be a paid or unpaid training program, a workshop, a job shadow, or a number of other opportunities that will help you to develop career-readiness skills. Don’t overlook these! Be sure to read the description for each opportunity and check out their website.
WBL Credit Eligible: If you qualify for this experience and you are a Junior or Senior, you will also have the option to enroll in a 1-credit WBL course. This does require a small project and commitment to staying in touch with the WBL coordinator throughout your experience.
College Opportunity: This is information about a college. If you are interested, please contact the admissions representative in the “contact” section of their page.
Military Opportunity: This is information about a military opportunity. There are so many benefits to joining the military, so please consider each branch. Contact the recruiter listed on each page for more information.