License Renewal/Continuing License
License Renewal/Continuing License
To renew a Continuing License an educator must:
- Complete the approved mentoring program, if required.
- Fulfill the 90 clock hour professional development requirement
- At least one-half of the required hours (45 hours every 5 years) shall be in activities relating to the educator’s work with students or staff.
- Clock hours shall comply with requirements detailed in 14 DE Admin. Code 1511 Issuance and Renewal of Continuing License.
- Completion of requirements detailed in 14 DE Admin. Code 1511 Issuance and Renewal of Continuing License shall be submitted to:
- the Human Resources Office with the application for renewal, if employed by a Delaware public school.
- Clock hours must have taken place during the term of the Continuing License and must be approved by the educator’s employing authority
NOTE: All educators must submit the renewal application directly to their human resource office for verification even if the professional development activities are through PDMS, if currently employed in a Delaware public school.
Provided that all the above requirements have been met, the educator’s professional growth status (PG Status) will be marked as “Finalized by District” in DEEDS.
Once the PG Status for the Continuing License has been marked as “Finalized by District” in DEEDS, DEEDS automatically generates an email (90 calendar days prior to the Continuing License expiration date) to complete the renewal process.
Upon receipt of the renewal notification email, the educator must login to their DEEDS profile and select the link for “Renew My License/Permit”, which will appear at the top of screen under “What Can I Do Today?” DEEDS will guide the educator through the criminal conviction disclosure process.
At the end of the month that the license expires, DEEDS will automatically issue an email with the new license attached.
Clock Hours must be submitted to the Human Resources Division to verify. Renew My Clock Hours application and documentation will be needed to verify. Clock Hours must be submitted 30 days before your license expiration date.
License Renewal Clock Hours must be submitted to: or